Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Support Update

Hello Brothers and Sisters,

It has been a couple weeks since we were last able to visit and I apologize for that. I was at church camp last week, therefore I was unable to give you an update. Since we last talked, God has done incredible things in preparation for my trip. This last week at church, we had a special missions contribution. Due to that contribution, I have now raised $12,810 and only need to raise $2,190 more. While I only have $2,190 left, if I receive more it will not be a problem because it will allow me to do more kinds of ministry. However I am happy that God has been doing some amazing things and because of these great things, I truly feel as if I have been called to go oversees into the mission field. Each and every day I am becoming more excited for this great opportunity and work that I am going to be able to do. Besides raising $2,190, the only thing I have left is to receive my certificate of eligibility from Japan and apply for my visa here and get a plane ticket. Once these are taken care of, I will be ready to leave on a Jet Plane.

I have been continuing my studies in Japanese as well as reading books about people who were missionaries in Japan before World War II. These stories have me extremely pumped for the work I will be doing there also.

I want to thank all of you who have decided to partner with me in this effort. You have truly been a huge blessing to help me be able to do this. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call me at (918)269-7662 or email me at If any of you would also like to help donate to this cause, but have not had the chance yet to do so, please send your tax-deductible check to:

South Yukon Church 0f Christ
11700 NW 10th Street
Yukon, OK 73099

Please make all checks out to South Yukon Church of Christ with Jared's Japan Mission in the memo. If you can not support, I ask that you continue to pray for the people I will be reaching in Japan and that I finish my fundraising soon. May God bless you all.

In Him,

Jared ジャレッド

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Support Update

Brothers and Sisters,

It has been overwhelmingly amazing how much the Lord has blessed me this past week since I wrote you last. While I am extremely still far from my goal, I took a giant step in being closer to my goal since we spoke last. I went from having only 10% of my goal to 33% of my goal. When you put it in fractions, it sounds even greater. Therefore I went from having 1/10 of my goal to having 1/3 of my goal. While I am extremely thankful for the gifts I have been given, I am still far from the goal I have set aside in order to go to Japan. Whether you can give $10,000 or $10 your generosity will be extremely appreciated and helpful. Wouldn't it be great to see another big step taken and try to have 2/3 of my trip taken care of by the 2nd week of July?

As far as preparation over the past week, I have been typing and organizing documents so that I can start applying for certificate of eligibility papers soon as well as continuing in my Japanese language studies. I am hoping that I can send these certificate of eligibility documents to Japan within the next few weeks so that they give me my certificate of eligibility and I can start working on the rest of the process in order to also get my visa.

Once again I want to thank all of your for joining me in this journey as I prepare for this great mission that has been set before me. Continue to pray for me that things go smooth and that I continue to rely on God in everything that happens as I prepare for this trip and also move to the country of Japan. Also, start praying for the people that I am going to come into contact with and that they start becoming prepared for the things I will teach them. Finally, pray that I can reach my goal as quickly as possible. When I was in my daily Bible reading this morning, I came across another verse that made it feel as if God was taking to me. In Romans 8:28 it reads, "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." I know that if I stay committed and love God, everything is going to continue to work out and in place just as I learned last week. God is good and I know for a fact that God will provide.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Support Update

I can not believe it has already been a month since I graduated from Oklahoma Christian. It is also crazy to me that adult life has pretty much officially began. As most of you know, I will be going to Japan again this September to serve as a missionary which is why some of you may be checking this website. Therefore, I thought I would give you all an update on my support.
It has been only a couple of weeks since I sent out my letters for support. While I have only received 10% of my goal, I have been amazed at how fast that amount alone has come in. However, as I mentioned, I am only at 10% and really need the help of everyone who can support and donate. Whether it is $10,000, $100, or even $10, your help makes me that much closer to my goal. However, I understand the situation that we are in during this time in age and know that not all of you can help either. Therefore, continue to pray that I reach my goal.
As far as preparation for my trip, I have continued to take Japanese classes once a week as well as trying to study lots of vocabulary on my own time. I have also been preparing things such as my passport and visa so that I can live in the country as well. Doing all of these things has kept me extremely busy along with my job here at South Yukon.

A few days ago I was in my daily Bible reading and I came across this verse in Proverbs 16:3. "Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established." This verse has taught me that if I continue to commit myself to the Lord, then everything is going to work out and will fall into place. I just have to keep on committing myself. I also pray that each of you continue to consider supporting me in this mission. Once again if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to email me at or call me at (918)269-7662. May God bless each of you!